Monday, February 2, 2009

Where Did They Come From?

The Boston Terrier is considered a native American bred dogs, meaning Boston's originated in the United States of America. The came about in the late 1800's and have been nicknamed America's Gentleman Breed. Some think that Boston's are a mix between an English Bull Dog and an English Terrier. Giving the name Boston Bull Terrier.
"About 1870 William O'Brien of Boston sold an imported dog named "Judge" to Robert C. Hooper, also of Boston. This dog was commonly known as "Hooper's Judge" and became the ancestor of almost all true modern Boston Terriers. He was mated to a white bitch owned by Edward Burnett named "Gyp" or "Kate". From that mating descended a dog named "Wells' Eph" who was bred to a bitch named "Tobin's Kate". The Boston Terrier as a breed evolved from these dogs.
In 1889 about thirty fanciers in and around Boston organized what was known as the American Bull Terrier Club."
The American Kennel Club initiated the Boston Terrier into the Stud Book in 1893

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to point out that you said "bitch" in that post. I'm so immature.
