Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lesson Plan on Saturn!

Technology Rich Curriculum Unit
Lesson Plan Format

Lesson Title: _____________Jupiter______________________

Grade/Group Size/Length of Lesson
5th grade with 18 students. This lesson should take appoximately 45 minutes.

Lesson Objective
The students will have previously researched 4 given questions
Students are expected to know where Jupiter is located, as well as the planets closest to the sun that come before it
Students are also expected to know essay writing skills and how to site sources
Skills students will learn are good researching skills, as well as review proper essay writing skills

National Technology Standards

Demonstrate creative thinking, constructive knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.

Students creat new and original means of personal or group expressions, use models and simulations, to explore complex systems and issues, identify trends and forecast possibilities.


Facilitate and inspire student learning’s and creativity.

Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning and technology to facilitate experiences that advance students’ learning, creativity and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments.

Promotes suppost and models creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness, engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources, promote student reflection using collaborative toolsto reveal and clarify students’ conceptual processes.

Model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues and others in face-to-face and virtual environments.
18 desks
Student research notes
Learning Environment
A well lit classroom
Overhead projector
Absolute quiet
Review Concepts
Where is it
Essay Writing
Sighting a source
New Concepts
-How did it get its name
-How long are the days and years
-How many moons does it have
18 computers

Students already know where Jupiter is
Students have researched the 3 questions and have learned to write essays as well as how to site the source they used
Opening hook- “Imagine you are from Jupiter writing to a pen pal on Earth. Using the 4 questions and answers you have, describe your planet to your Earth pen pal.”
1. Prompt students to get out their research answers, some paper and a pencil
2. Review proper essay writing format
3. Review how to site a source in an essay
4. Show writing prompt, “Imagine you are from Jupiter writing to a pen pal on Earth. Using the 4 questions and answers you have, describe your planet to your Earth pen pal.”
5. While leaving promt on the overhead projecter, instruct students to write this as an essay while sighting the sources they used to find the answers

Evaluation of lesson Plan
I chose this lesson because the planets make for a fun topic to teach. I also feel it is very important for students to practice writing essays and also how to site sources. After reviewing this lesson, I am happy with it.

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